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Race Results

Series : LBYC summer 2009
division : open
race # : 03
race date : 15-Mar-2009
finishers : 11
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Results table - Elapsed time order

boat name Rating % against history elapsed Line Corrected Place Design
Testarossa 0.7644 92.40 01:10:35 1 00:58:23 11 Ross 930
Final Countdown 0.7640 104.77 01:10:37 2 00:51:30 1 Young 88
Young and the Restless 0.7569 101.84 01:11:17 3 00:52:59 3 Young 7.8
Joint Effort 0.7314 98.80 01:13:46 4 00:54:37 5 Farr 1020
Top 40 0.7273 93.72 01:14:11 5 00:57:34 10 Etchell 22
Am Meer 0.7028 93.88 01:16:46 6 00:57:28 9 Bavaria 38
Hawkeye 0.7022 104.32 01:16:50 7 00:51:43 2 Farr 740 sp
2 Low 4 Zero 0.7014 101.21 01:16:55 8 00:53:18 4 Farr 9.2
Minika 0.6550 95.03 01:22:22 9 00:56:46 7 Marauder
Mint Condition 0.6400 94.78 01:24:18 10 00:56:56 8 Lotus 9.2
Alize 0.6243 98.29 01:26:25 11 00:54:54 6 Lotus 9.2

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