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Here you will find some Brief details on how the site has been changing recently

22 June 2008

Version 3.34 has been released with the inclusion of 2-handed races as a separate ranking category.

27 April 2008

Version 3.3 is possibly now installed and includes the following changes, one or two of which might work :

29 September 2007

Version 3.21 includes changes to allow for the race details page to display results by 'result type', being RaceTrack (same as always), PHRF, IRc or ORC.

02 September 2007

Version 3.2 is now in use, giving a new improved set of lies for people to check. Additions for this version include the following : Please email markm@racetrack.org.nz for any feedback, questions or suggestions for changes or new boat categories.

19 August 2007

Version 3.1 is now up and sometimes running, changes include :

12 August 2007

Version 3, well the first part anyway, is now up and running. The main changes are as follows.